On this episode of The Vergecast, we try to make sense of what occurred right here — and what would possibly occur subsequent. We speak about what makes Telegram completely different from WhatsApp or Fb, the methods Durov arrange and operated the corporate that will have made this confrontation inevitable, and whether or not this can have a ripple impact on the remainder of the social web. And even the remainder of the web as a complete.
After that, we run down a number of the week in regulatory and litigation information, which is extra thrilling than it sounds! Yelp sued Google after years of complaints, TikTok is headed to court over the blackout problem, and California’s AI safety bill is headed to the governor’s desk. As Nilay likes to say, there are lots of actually essential PDFs floating round proper now. We’ve got some ideas on the PDFs.
Additionally, programming observe: we’re off on Tuesday, and the third episode in our productiveness miniseries will probably be subsequent Sunday, not this Sunday. So we’ll see you subsequent Friday!
If you wish to know extra about all the pieces we focus on on this episode, listed below are some hyperlinks to get you began, starting with Telegram:
And in authorized and regulatory information:
And within the lightning spherical: